Workout Of The Week November 15th: Biceps For Dayzz



Picture on cover: Doug Miller IFPA pro.

Cardiovascular machine- 5min


Thera-band /resistance band curls- 2 sets of 30 reps. This will help initiate the vasodilation in the area; always have been a strong believer in the relationship of “the pump” and growth in the biceps specifically.

Resistance band curl
Resistance band curl

Light warm up sets- Before starting your working sets, make sure to do 2-3  very light sets to familiarize the movement and bring blood to the muscle.


Standing Hammer Curls: 3×8- 60s rest

SET-UP: You will need 2 dumbbells. Grip them so that the thumb side of your hand is close to the to the top portion of the dumbbell.

EXECUTION: Curl the dumbbell until the angle of your elbow is 90 degrees or slightly less. Then lower the

Hammer Curl
           Hammer Curl

dumbbell until almost locked out. Do not completely lock out, because this will remove the tension from the bicep. You may perform this lift with both arms simultaneously or alternating (I prefer the latter).

TIPS: These first three working sets are where you absolutely lift your hardest; the muscle is fresh, and strength is at its greatest. I will be the first to suggest swinging excessively is unneeded, but slight momentum can help you move more weight, thus volume.

Standing Cross-Body Hammer Curls: 2×10- 60s rest

SET-UP: Same as above.

EXECUTION: Repeat the previous exercise, but across the body. The motion continues until the dumbbell is just in front of the opposite pectoral muscle. Then in a controlled fashion, lower the arm to starting position. You may have to lean forward slightly, to make room for the dumbbells. Alternate between right and left.

Cross-body hammer
Cross-body hammer

TIPS: This exercise works more efficiently if you check your ego and focus on every rep being of quality.  I also like to keep my thumbs unwrapped occasionally, I feel it directs more work to the upper arm. You may experiment-

with a slight peak twist as well (trust me, do it).

Incline Bench Dumbbell Curl: 3×12- Superset with next exercise. no rest

SET-UP: You will need an adjustable bench and dumbbells. Adjust the seat one click steeper than a normal incline press. Hang arms straight down as if the shoulders were function-less, and shoulder blades tight to the pad.

incline bench curl
incline bench curl

EXECUTION: Begin by curling the dumbbell until the bend is 3/4th the way up. The eccentric motion controlled down until just before lockout. The shoulders shouldn’t move, only the forearm.

TIPS: I usually feel a stretch in my shoulder when my arm is in correct position. If you find it hard to keep your arm from swinging forward when curling, it’s probably too heavy.

Low Pulley Spider Curls: 3×12- 120s rest

            low pulley spider curls

SET-UP: Use the cable attachment you would for a back row, but instead attach a straight curl bar piece. Hips at 90 deg. Knees should be slightly bent, back is flat, chest is up, and arms extended forward- rib cage height. You will hardly need any weight, so start with 15-20lbs initially.

EXECUTION: While keeping upper arm in same position, curl until you your hands are just in front of your face. Eccentric should be slow and stopped just before full extension.

TIPS: This is a technique and squeeze lift. I find pausing with a squeeze for 2 seconds at peak contraction really amplifies the intensity.If you find yourself swinging your elbows during reps, lower the weight; its too heavy.

Double Cable Curl Burnout Out: 3×30; 90s rest

SET-UP: You will need two cable attachments, so prepare to be “that guy/girl” lol. Adjust attachments until just above head level

EXECUTION: The lift has 3 parts.

Part 1- Curl until hand is an inch or so away from your ear, and return until just before lockout- 10 reps

double cable curl

Part 2- Do tiny curl like motions from 70 to 110 degrees. Focus on quick, solid contractions- 10 reps

Part 3- Hold an isometric (non-moving) contraction at peak position. -10s hold

TIP: Keep Elbows straight out from side. A common mistake is allowing the elbows to move inward, avoid this! This is a burnout, so use moderate weight. Try having someone push out against your arms during the 10 second isometric hold, really heats things up. Chase the burn!

This concludes biceps. Great to pair with a back or triceps.


Do 2-3 reps of each stretch for 10-20 seconds. Focus on breathing to allow a deeper stretch range of motion.

bicep stretch



God gave you another day, and another healthy workout.

Kyle Blair


For coaching click below.

Workout Of The Week: October 26th 2015- Impress With Your Chest


Cardiovascular machine- 5min


Arm circles- 4 sets of 15 seconds each way, alternating between small and large circles. (yes, just like in gym class).

Internal rotation- using thera-bands or a cable handle attachment, do 3×15 reps of internal rotation (see I-1)


Light warm up sets- Before starting your working sets, make sure to do 2-3  very light sets to familiarize the movement and bring blood to the muscle.

Additional warm-up options- Push-ups, Front raises, light triceps extension.


Flat bench dumbbell Press: 4×10; 120-180s rest.

SET-UP: This is a pretty simple set up. Find a flat bench, I prefer a non-adjustable so there is no crease. This exercise requires slight coordination, so go lighter for a technique check if you are unfamiliar.

DB flat press

EXECUTION: Start with the rock back method (link at bottom of page). To do this method, sit on the end of the bench with both dumbbells vertically resting on your knees. Next, rock your body back into a lying position while simultaneously hoisting the dumbbells  into starting position. Execute the press much like a bench press except moving the dumbbells closer together towards the top of the movement. Stop the upward motion just before your arms reach the point of lockout, then return back to the starting position in a slower controlled manner.

TIPS: Explode up into a solid chest contraction while exhaling. I like to mentally focus on a good muscular stretch as I fill the lungs/chest with air during the eccentric motion. Have elbows slightly angled closer to your body in order to put more stress on your chest and less on your shoulders.

Incline plate load chest press: 3×10; super-set with next exercise

SET-UP: You will need a plate loadable chest press (or machine if you must). Adjust seat so that the handles are level with nipple line. Hands should be slightly closer than shoulder width (narrower grips recruit more fiber activation in incline chest movements).

EXECUTION: Press until just before lockout. Return to starting position much like the previous exercise. Exhale on press; inhale on eccentric motion.

Plate load incline press

TIPS: Make sure not to allow body to shift from a vertical alignment. Since the lower chest is usually stronger, some tend to unknowingly slide their butt forward or arch lower back for more of a decline position. Remember, your upper chest is the target- not your lower.

Incline bench cable fly: 3×10- 90-120s rest.


SET-UP: Bring an adjustable bench to your gym’s cable pulley system (I-2). Center the bench directly between the pulleys and a foot or two forward (may take a few attempts for a quality line-up). Adjust the bench to a slight incline- 30 degrees or so. Set the weights low, as it doesn’t require much. Preferably have someone else give you the handles. If alone, grab each handle one at a time BEFORE sitting on bench.

EXECUTION: The first rep should be a press, not a fly (I’m not a huge fan of starting a fly at the bottom of the movement, due to injury risk). Start movement by opening arms in a controlled motion. Descend until hands

incline bench cable fly
       Incline bench cable fly

are just above or straight out from shoulders, depending on your flexibility. The concentric motion should mimic a motion as if you were hugging a large tree.

TIPS: The hand position at the top of the motion should be above the eyes, not the chest. This is important! It technically won’t even be an incline movement if not done this way. Do not go too heavy. Elbows excessively bending usually indicates this.

Decline plate load chest press: 3×12; super-set with next exercise

SET-UP: Adjust seat so that handles are level with your nipple line or slightly lower. Hands should be shoulder width or slightly wider (opposite of incline version).

EXECUTION: This is done much like the incline plate load exercise. Explode through the press with an exhale and inhale on a controlled, chest stretching eccentric motion.

Plate load decline press
      Plate load decline press

TIPS: Try to target the squeeze into your lower chest. This is done by adjusting your elbows higher or lower out from the side of your body (trial-and-error).

Neutral grip perfect push-up: 2 sets stopping 1-2reps  short of failure. Final set to failure. 120s rest between super-set.


SET-UP: You will need perfect push-up handles for this exercise (I-3). Assume the push-up position. Neutral hands meaning fingers facing the mid-line of the body.

EXECUTION: While keeping the body linear (hips straight), lower the body until the chest is about a softball distance away from the ground. Press the body upward while mentally keeping the chest as the focused mover

Neutral grip perfect push-up
Neutral grip perfect push-up

(not triceps). Keep core tight and head neutral. Inhale down, exhale up.

TIPS: People have the tendency to keep arms tight to body, avoid this. Instead, keep elbows as wide as other presses. Difficulty can be lowered by modification

Knee modification
Knee modification

to knees, however, make sure to keep hips linear (aka. avoid looking like you are doing a yoga pose).

This concludes the chest exercises. Recommended muscle groups to pair with: Triceps or shoulders.


Do 2-3 reps of each stretch for 10-20 seconds. Focus on breathing to allow a deeper stretch range of motion.

chest stretch 3 chest stretch 2 triceps stretch



God gave you another day, and another healthy workout.

DB flat press rock-back example (start at 00:53s):

Kyle Blair


For coaching click below.